Saturday, September 28, 2013


There is nothing like biting into an apple you just plucked from a tree! I had an enormous Honey Crisp apple on the way home from the orchard and it was amazing!!  So were the apple cider doughnuts that found their way home with us. We've been apple picking 3 times in the past 2 weeks. We found a great U-Pick spot in town and have stopped in twice already. The third apple picking adventure was in our own backyard. You may recall that we have 3 apple trees and we harvested the crop last weekend. We picked 15 apples off the trees! Not too bad. But I have to admit I'm a little hesitant to bite into them. I'll cut one open and see how it looks inside and then decide if I'll use the or not. Let's just say the don't look as pretty as the apples we saw at the orchard.
It was fun to pick them though.
Here is the what we got from our trees:

And this is what I made from the yummy apples at the local U-Pick orchard:

Time to get pie number two out of the oven!