Saturday, June 15, 2013

Divide and Conquer/Relax

The rain has subsided for the time being, so off to the beach we go! As we're getting settled we realize we forgot the screw-thingy that goes in the sand to hold the umbrella. Husband offers to make the trip back to the house to fetch it. I stay on the beach eating my breakfast pastry and sipping iced tea- complete bliss!  Upon his return we start talking about how to furnish our back room and his idea is to move furniture from our home in MA-today. But...but what about the beach??  We agree to divide and conquer. He'll head home and load as much as he can into the truck by himself and I will enjoy a day at the beach.  Works for me!! Pack up and head home, divide the lunch I had packed earlier and go our separate ways. I head out to a different beach and settle in for what turns out to be an amazing day. Around 4:00 I get a text saying he's back and that is my queue to call it a day. 

 I can't believe that he was able to load an oversized chair and love seat onto the truck by himself. We get it all into the house with practically no harsh words exchanged. The furniture is in but final placement is still being worked out. 

Now it's time for our weekly trek to Lowes/Home Depot. We picked up a rug and a few other times that added up to an astronomical amount. Then we each toasted our day with a scorpion bowl for two. We just need the Bruins to win to make the day a complete success!

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