Even though we've been enjoying the summer, it doesn't mean the work at the house stopped. My husband has been a painting machine- touching up the exterior, the front door, and some areas of the front porch. He's replaced smoke alarms, washed windows, put down drainage stones around the foundation, tightened up the deck chairs and dozens of other chores that need to be done in a house. And we are still searching for a dresser for the guest room.
Although we were only away for two weekends, the landscape was different. Thank god for perennials!! There is a beautiful plant with white flowers with purple centers- kind of like a morning glory but not. There are some very pretty new flowers by the front door but unfortunately they have some kind of mold on them so who knows if they'll be there next weekend. You know what else won't be there? My impatiens. They are GONE! It's not like the heat got to them and they wilted. It's like I never planted them at all. Gone! Either a neighbor was envious of them and took them(ha!!! You should see the gardens in the neighborhood.) or a deer or some other animal made a snack of them. Oh well, at least the begonias were still going strong.
As much as I hate to admit it, summer is slipping away. The beach was virtually empty today as compared to other weekends. It doesn't seem possible that next weekend is the unofficial end of summer- Labor Day. It certainly goes by fast but I'm looking forward to a long weekend and everyone says that September is one of the best months at the beach. I guess we'll find out.
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